Dorothea Pregla

[lastname] [at]
Universität Potsdam
Department Linguistik
Campus Golm, House 14, Room 212
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
D-14476 Potsdam

About me

I am a Postdoc in the collaborative research center 1287 at Department of Linguistics at the University of Potsdam. At present, I am mainly interested in language processing in people with aphasia, with a focus on the relationship between sentence comprehension and sentence production, individual variability in sentence comprehension and predictions during sentence processing. I use visual-world eye-tracking, EEG, self-paced listening, and object manipulation to investigate the processing of declaratives and relative clauses as well as control structures.


BSc Patholinguistic (Potsdam University, Germany)
MSc International Master of Experimental and Clinical Linuistics (IECL, Potsdam University, Germany)
PhD Cognitive Science, topic: Variability in sentence processing performance in German people with aphasia and unimpaired German native speakers (Potsdam University, Germany)


Contributions to conferences